Tips Before Setting Sail

voilier habitable

Sailing on a habitable sailboat requires preparation and precautions. Whether you are embarking on your own sailboat or renting one for a weekend or a week, you must prepare well. The dangers at sea are very real, even in good weather and on seemingly sheltered waters. Here is a detailed checklist, structured into three themes … Read more

Why Do We Say Port and Starboard on a Boat?

phare sur la côte

The concepts of port and starboard are undoubtedly the first terms sailors learn. But what exactly do port and starboard mean, and what is the origin of these two words in maritime vocabulary? Sailors don’t speak like land dwellers. They like to have their own vocabulary. But beyond the poetry, this vocabulary is primarily a … Read more

Beginner’s Sailing Guide: Understanding the Basics

optimist voilier

Are you a sea enthusiast and would love to try sailing but don’t know where to start? Don’t worry, we are here to help! In this article, we will go over the main terms to know to fully understand sailing. On the program: tacks, navigation points, vocabulary related to sails and ropes, and much more! … Read more